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You are here: Transit of Venus: June 6, 2012: Local Conditions

Transit of Venus: June 6, 2012: Local Conditions

Here you will find local conditions for the transit of Venus on June 6, 2012.


On June 8, 2004 Venus was imaged when it entered the solar disk for the first time since 1882. The transits in 2004 and 2012 are the only that will take place in this century. The photo was taken with an H-alpha filter from Møvig Fort close to Kristiansand, Norway.
Photo: Trond Hugo Hermansen

The table below gives the most important data for the transit for several geographical positions. The first and second contact occcur when Venus enters the solar disk, third og fourth contact when Venus leaves the disk. After 4. contact we must wait more than 100 years for the next opportunity to watch the Venus on the solar disk! Altitude of the Sun is for fourth contact and is given in degrees.

Place 1. contact 2. contact Sun rise 3. contact 4. contact Solar altitude
Copenhagen Not visible Not visible 04.38 06.37.00 06.54.37 17
Stockholm Not visible Not visible 03.48 06.36.50 06.54.25 20
Oslo Not visible Not visible 04.12 06.36.48 06.54.25 17
Fredrikstad Not visible Not visible 04.03 06.36.44 06.54.21 17
Hønefoss Not visible Not visible 04.11 06.36.47 06.54.24 17
Lillehammer Not visible Not visible 04.01 06.36.43 06.54.20 17
Sandefjord Not visible Not visible 04.21 06.36.52 06.54.29 16
Arendal Not visible Not visible 04.33 06.36.55 06.54.32 16
Kristiansand Not visible Not visible 04.38 06.36.56 06.54.33 15
Stavanger Not visible Not visible 04.41 06.36.51 06.54.29 14
Bergen Not visible Not visible 04.29 06.36.45 06.54.23 14
Førde Not visible Not visible 04.16 06.36.40 06.54.18 15
Røros Not visible Not visible 03.40 06.36.36 06.54.12 18
Kristiansund Not visible Not visible 03.47 06.36.33 06.54.10 16
Trondheim Not visible Not visible 03.32 06.36.32 06.54.08 18
Namsos Not visible Not visible 03.11 06.36.27 06.54.03 18
Mo i Rana Not visible Not visible 02.16 06.36.17 06.53.53 20
Bodø 00.04.18 00.22.01 Midnight sun 06.36.12 06.53.48 20
Tromsø 00.04.27 00.22.10 Midnight sun 06.35.59 06.53.34 22
Alta 00.04.34 00.22.17 Midnight sun 06.35.55 06.53.31 24
Hammerfest 00.04.35 00.22.18 Midnight sun 06.35.52 06.53.27 24
Kirkenes 00.04.44 00.22.27 Midnight sun 06.35.53 06.53.27 26
Vardø 00.04.46 00.22.29 Midnight sun 06.35.49 06.53.23 26
Longyearbyen 00.04.36 00.22.16 Midnight sun 06.35.11 06.52.47 22
Ny Ålesund 00.04.34 00.22.14 Midnight sun 06.35.07 06.52.43 21


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Transit of Venus 2012

Vårt magiske univers: Norwegian movie about space

Magnificent images, movies accompanied by majestic music.

Extensive Norwegian DVD about space and eclipses.

Separate tracks about the eclipses in Norway in 1954, Turkey in 2006, the Arctic in 2008 and China in 2009.

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Contact: Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard, PO. Box 1029 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo, NorwayPhone: (47) 992 77 172 E-mail: